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B i o g r a p h y

 Georgios Stavrou - Composer, Researcher, Teacher and Guitarist, is a member of the Cyprus Composers 'Center, and a former member of the Guitar Teachers' Register, and the European Guitar Teachers Association.

His works have been performed by well-known ensembles and performers of New Music such as: A Trio, DissonArt Ensemble, M.C.M.E. , Tana Quartet, Neue Vocalsolisten Stuttgart, Chronos Ensemble, Contemp. Trio, Geraush Percussion Duo, Hermes Theodorakis, the Cyprus Symphony Orchestra, etc.

His interest in Music is provided by an Extensive Research Area and has therefore led him, for the last fifteen years, to the study of Ancient Greek Philosophy. This opened new horizons in the understanding of music which has not been included in the usual area of ​​Music Studies since it was a forgotten part of Ancient Greek, and mostly of Ancient Greek knowledge.

Among his presentations, in September 2015 he was invited to the 5th Academy of Composers in Tchaikovsky where he presented his Lecture, as well as the following consecutive years 2016 and 2017 at the ARTE Music Academy.

In 2018 his article, which he has introduced it at the 17th International Conference in St. Petersburg on Modern Music Education, was published, giving him the impetus to write a series of educational books. In May 2020 he released his first book entitled: THE KNOWLEDGE OF EVERYTHING IN ORDER.



Always active and a sports fan especially Tae kwon do, as a trainer now, he is a holder of the 3rd Dan of Black Belt. His interests also manage many areas of well-being and reach Level 3 of Qi-Gong Instructor.






As an outcome of all his research, studies and extensive knowledge he created a Prototype of Philosophical School Of Music which is based on the Ancient Greek Philosophy under the name of EnHarmonic Chording  School.





​Copyright 2012, Georgios Stavrou   

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